How Many Steps Should You Take Daily to Lose Weight?

What Is That Magic Number of Steps You Should Take Everyday to Curb Obesity and Enjoy Diverse Health Benefits? Do you know your step count directly correlates with reducing the risk of some chronic illnesses? Let’s get in.


  • Reduce the risk of obesity with 8200 Steps or 4 miles daily
  • Curtail the risk of diabetes type 2 by Lowering the Body Weight
  • Lower the risk of dementia by 50% by walking 10,000 steps every day
  • How do you cut the risk of dying from all causes by one-third-Just walk 21.43 minutes each day of the week
  • What are your health experts’ guidelines for physical exercise- 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercises by adults-  brisk walking, dancing, bicycling, doubles tennis, and water aerobics, and two days of muscle-strengthening activity each week?
  • What happens after 10, 000 Steps?-Health benefits rose with every step until about 10,000 steps when the effects began to fade as per a Spanish Study.
  • Do steps add up from various types of activities?–  Counting steps may be especially important for people who do an unstructured, unplanned physical activity such as housework, gardening, and walking dogs.

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Health Benefits of Exercise by Taking Steps

1. Reduce the Risk of Obesity with 8200 Steps or 4 Miles Daily

What’s the magic number of steps to keep weight off? Here’s what a new study says.

Researchers found that people who walked 4 miles a day — about 8,200 steps — were less likely to become obese or suffer from sleep apnea, acid reflux, and major depressive disorder. Sleep apnea and acid reflux respond well to weight loss, which can reduce pressure on the throat and stomach, while exercise is a cornerstone treatment for depression.

if they increased their steps to 11,000 steps a day. In fact, “this increase in step counts resulted in a 50% reduction in cumulative incidence of obesity at 5 years,” the study found. Individuals with BMIs of 28 could lower their risk of obesity by 64% by increasing steps from about 6,000 to 11,000 steps per day.

Walking help cut the risk of dementia. Losing body weight also reduces the risk of diabetes type 2.

2. Reduce the Risk of Dementia by 50% by Walking 10,000 Steps

Walking 10,000 steps a day lowered the risk of dementia by 50%; the risk decreased by 25% with as few as 3,800 steps a day.

  • 62% Reduction in the risk of Dementia using brisk walking of 112 steps a minute for 30 minutes.
  • The 30 minutes of fast-paced walking didn’t have to occur all at once either — it could be spread out over the day.

3.  Diabetes Type 2 Patients Benefit from Lowering Body Weight

In a population-based study of 33,184 participants, it was found weight maintenance in adulthood is strongly associated with reduced incident diabetes risk and there is considerable potential for diabetes prevention in promoting this as a whole population strategy.

4. How Many Minutes of Activity Cut Your Risk of Dying and Other Benefits?

In fact, if you get up and move for 21.43 minutes each day of the week, you cut your risk of dying from all causes by one-third This is according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Current physical activity recommendations for adults are 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise.

They include-

  • brisk walking
  • dancing
  • bicycling
  • doubles tennis
  • water aerobics


  •  two days of muscle-strengthening activity each week

Researchers found the association between peak 30-minute steps and risk reduction to be dependent on the disease studied: There was a

a) 62% reduction in dementia

b) 80% decline in cardiovascular disease and death

c) about a 20% drop in risk for cancer.

5. What Can 8200 Steps Per Day Do For You?- Aren’t You Surprised!

Researchers found that people who walked 4 miles a day — about 8,200 steps — were less likely to become obese or suffer from sleep apnea, acid reflux, and major depressive disorder. Sleep apnea and acid reflux respond well to weight loss, which can reduce pressure on the throat and stomach, while exercise is a cornerstone treatment for depression.

6. How Many Steps For Maximum Benefit?- Is Dog Walking add Steps and What else?

In Spain, researchers found health benefits rose with every step until about 10,000 steps when the effects began to fade.

Counting steps may be especially important for people who do an unstructured, unplanned physical activity such as housework, gardening, and walking dogs.7.

7. What Does Dr. Andrew Freeman Say About Physical Activity?

“Physical activity is just absolutely magnificent,” Dr. Andrew Freeman, director of cardiovascular prevention and wellness at National Jewish Health in Denver, told CNN in an interview.

“And when if you blend that with eating a more plant-based diet, de-stressing, sleeping enough and connecting with others — that’s your magic recipe,” Freeman said. “It’s the fountain of youth if you will.”


Move and stay active. All small movements add to give some major benefits. Now you know how many steps you need to get what benefits. This will upgrade your health overall and curb the risk of individual chronic illnesses.

Move and live healthily and longer.


Anusuya Choudhury

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